Year-round programs for Wonderful include navels, lemons, cara caras, minneolas, Texas oranges and grapefruit and limes.

One of the company’s latest additions to its citrus lineup are organic Wonderful Halos, which launched in February. Fruit is shipping in 2-pound bags at select retailers.

Heading into summer, Wonderful Citrus is excited about the continued tremendous growth of its Wonderful Seedless Lemons program, Laffite said.

“We remain focused on new plantings in various growing regions that will increase volumes and availability.”

In addition, he said, the Halos band is well-positioned to expand Wonderful Citrus’s summer citrus program with “excellent, superior quality fruit.”

“We’ve deepened relationships with premier counter-seasonal suppliers that will help us expand and ensure high quality fruit as we grow demand.”

The company’s goal, he added, is to deliver a seamless transition of supply from winter to summer fruit, while also providing the highest quality experience to consumers.

Wonderful Citrus has enjoyed strong support for its “They’re the Sweetest” campaign, which kicked off in November.

A geo-targeted multi-million-dollar digital campaign, “They’re the Sweetest” includes testimonials from kids on why they love Halos on YouTube, Meta, and TikTok.

The campaign also includes in-store POS displays, specifically new basketball-themed POS to excite consumers ahead of NCAA March Madness, and a collection of colorful stickers, Laffite said.

Also on TikTok, Wonderful Citrus continues to feature its Hal the Halo character as he embarks on various adventures via a video series on the platform.

The company is also leveraging its online presence to increase awareness and engagement with its consumers by sharing promotions, hosting giveaways and interacting with followers across its social media channels, Laffite said.

The company also continues to update its Halos website, which has family-friendly recipes and craft inspiration for kids and parents to create at home.

This article is an excerpt from the April 2024 issue of Supermarket Perimeter. You can read the entire Citrus feature and more in the digital edition here.