JBT’s line of equipment for the production of fresh-cut produce includes peelers, decorers, prep lines, washers, conveyors and other machines designed to make the production of fresh-cut products as easy as possible. 

One example is JBT’s Magnetic Onion Peeler.  Developed in collaboration with Gillis Onions and the US Department of Agriculture, this groundbreaking one-of-a-kind peeler offers higher yields and better quality, while optimizing cleanliness and safety.

Using built-in permanent super-magnetism technology, JBT’s engineers were able to eliminate the use of wires, tubes, belts, and springs, resulting in the most streamlined, simple-to-operate and easy-to-clean peeling machine on the market, running with frictionless components.

Most impressive? It can process up to 120 onions per minute.

The collaboration with Gillis Onions is no exception. JBT works with all of its business partners to design, develop, test, and maintain fruit and vegetable processing systems for companies all over the world.

“With an established position in the fresh-cut produce industry, multiple globally located offices, and an extensive and effective dealer network, JBT provides unparalleled support to those in fresh-cut.”