CASTROVILLE, CALIF. — Ocean Mist Farms, North America artichoke grower and shipper, is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a rebranding initiative including a new logo.

The company said the last logo update was in 1995, when it changed it changed the original 1924 California Artichoke & Vegetable Growers Corporation name to Ocean Mist Farms.

Pulling the legacy blue color from its previous logo, the new logo features a bright green color instead of red. The company said this is to communicate growth, natural and farming.

“This refreshed logo is more than just a visual change; it signifies our dedication to representing and evolving the brand to represent our Gold Standard line of vegetable products, our industry leadership, and our exceptional customer service,” said Chris Drew, president and CEO at Ocean Mist Farms. “We feel this rebranding effort also conveys that we are a forward-thinking company who is continually pioneering solutions in the fresh produce industry.”

The company said the rebranding will begin with a soft launch, and over the next three years, the new packaging will be rolled out across all products. Ocean Mist Farms’ buildings, equipment and digital marketing platforms will make the switch this month.