WENATCHEE, WASH. — Stemilt has implemented a new automated pear packing line to increase freshness and maintain consistent quality in the box-opening experience, the company said.

“The automated pear line is expected to double our capacity,” said Don Reeves, manager at Stemilt Growers. “Automatic defect sorters, pear-specific belted brush beds, a bin washer and automated baggers are all features that will help create a uniform pack. These elements help us produce high-quality pears for consumers to enjoy. The automation and increased capacity are important as we prepare for future volume growth on pears.”  

Olds-Pear-Line-712.jpgSource: Stemilt

As the pears travel through the new line, they pass through two automated defect sorting cameras, Stemilt said. The pears are carefully flipped over in cups so operators can see a 360 view of each pear. The line’s belted brush beds can be adjusted for the delicacy of the pears, and the bin washer will clean the bins after every run.

“The most automation to be added to the new pear line is the bagging and sorting process,” Reeves said. “Automatic bin fillers are going to help us put fruit back into our controlled atmosphere rooms when packing fresh to order.”

Once the pears are packed into boxes, they will ride a conveyer belt directly into cold storage at Stemilt’s Fresh Cube distribution center, the company said.

“The first thing this line is going to prioritize is quality,” Reeves said. “We’ll have less hands on the fruit and a great cold chain going from the packing line all the way to storing which will help as it gets later in the season. The line’s automation shows potential for adding new varieties because we can increase tonnage with our new sorting technology.”

Stemilt said its new line is nearly three times the size of its previous line, allowing for a box mezzanine area. The company plans to expand it for consumer packaging in the future.

“The more consistent we can make the box opening experience, the better” Reeves said. “The first pears of the year are already running on the new line, and we’re excited to boost quality and freshness for our new Happi Pear and Stemilt Rushing Rivers pears to delight consumers.”

Olds-Pear-Line-713.jpgSource: Stemilt