The US Food and Drug Administration pushed back the deadline for implementing the menu labeling rules until May 7, 2018.
In addition to the delay, the FDA is seeking comments on how the agency may reduce regulatory burden on retailers and alternative approaches for labeling self-service foods, other methods for providing calorie disclosure other than on the menu itself, and criteria for distinguishing between a menu and other information such as an advertisement.
The National Association of Convenience Stores and the National Grocers Association had previously submitted a petition to the FDA, asking for a delay in the rules effective date.
Initially released on November 25, 2014, the regulations established menu-labeling requirements for chain restaurants and “similar retail food establishments.” Generally, establishments that are covered by the rule must post calories for standard menu items on menus or menu boards or, for self-service items and foods on display, on signs adjacent to the items, as well as provide additional written nutrition information to consumers upon request.