LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO – Pure Flavor’s Cloud 9 Bite-Sized Fruity Tomatoes have been awarded the coveted ChefsBest Excellence Award, which evaluated appearance, aroma, flavor, basic taste and texture.
A panel of certified Master Tasters comprised of independent, professional chefs judged Pure Flavor’s Cloud 9® Tomatoes and concluded that “Cloud 9 Tomatoes deliver Overall Quality with a burst of juice, fruity and ripe tomato flavors, and a sweet taste.”
“When evaluated along with other products in the category, Pure Flavor Cloud 9 Tomatoes surpassed the standards required for the ChefsBest Excellence Award,” said Randi Coulthard, acting chief executive officer of ChefsBest.
According to Matt Mastronardi, executive vice-president at Pure Flavor, demand continues to surge for the new snacking tomato.
“The response we’ve received since launch has been overwhelming and it shows that there is a real consumer demand for a fresh, premium, and super sweet product in the category,” said Mastronardi. “As a result, we’re increasing acreage to make sure there is a consistent supply year-round to meet demand.”
That surge is happening in groceries stores, but also on smartphones, tablets, and computer screens across North America with millions of people seeing & sharing mouth-watering recipe content featuring a Tiny Taste of Heaven.
The ChefsBest award is the second Pure Flavor has earned this year. Pure Flavor also won the International Taste Institute’s (ITI) Superior Taste Award.