WENATCHEE, WASH. – Resulting in over 1.6 billion impressions. Stemilt’s latest marketing campaign was a big success in reaching consumers with Rave apples.
The consumer-facing digital campaign designed to help consumer’s win gold was inspired by Roald Dahl’s fictional character Willy Wonka and the search for the golden ticket.
“Overall, the campaign was extremely successful,” said Brianna Shales, Stemilt marketing director. “The theme of the campaign provided some feel-good moments, especially during a time when it is needed most while still building brand awareness around this limited time premium apple.”
For consumers to win, they were required to provide their name and email address before “scratching for gold.” After they “scratched” their digital ticket, they were alerted instantly if they won or not. Over the course of seven weeks the campaign was live, it received nearly 30,000 link clicks and brought on nearly 13,000 new fans to Stemilt who want to learn more about the company through monthly communications.
“We had a wide array of influencers support Rave this year, which drummed up quite a bit of brand awareness and word-of-mouth marketing,” said Shales. “We receive inquiries from new fans about where to find this apple as well as from our loyal fans who were waiting patiently since last season and couldn’t wait any long. We couldn’t be more honored and excited to continue building this great fan base for Rave.”
Rave is a premium apple brand harvested in a window that is not traditionally known for apples. Thanks to its Honeycrisp-MonArk parentage, consumers could find a new crop of Rave the first week of August, which is much earlier than other premium varieties.
“Using tactics like the Golden Raves campaign or word-of-mouth marketing through influencers is helpful in translating to sales at the store level,” said Shales. “While this is the fifth year Rave is on the market, it is still extremely important to continue building brand awareness around the brand and using the tactics we know work well.”