What are retailers and suppliers doing to protect their customers from high inflation? Four industry leaders weigh in.
Rachel Shemirani, vice president, Barons Market
Inflation is at the top of everyone’s minds right now. It’s a constant balancing act between raising prices and staying competitive. Right now, we’re keeping staple items such as bread, milk, pasta, eggs, and produce at lower prices to offset the price increases happening in the rest of the store.
Anne-Marie Roerink, president, 210 Analytics LLC
With historically low order ship rates and 40-year high inflation, there is no business as usual in the ad calendar but the food industry is doing everything it can to keep prices down. I have seen more creativity in promotions than I have seen in all my years in fresh retailing. Some examples are $3 off the meat purchase when buying beer, mix and match fruit or even meat promotions that take the pressure off one particular type or brand; and meal deals that highlight the favorable cost calculated down to the person when cooking at home.
Brian Numainville, principal, The Feedback Group
Grocery shoppers are dealing with food price inflation in a number of significant ways, with nearly half moving their purchases for food and groceries to stores with lower prices and eating more at home instead of restaurants, as well as buying more items on sale. Further, nearly four out of ten grocery shoppers indicate they have been buying more store brands instead of national brands, and our research shows that 75% of shoppers agree that the prices of private or store brands were a lot less expensive than national brands.
Molly Shelton, senior brand strategist, Midan Marketing
Ground beef is a budget-friendly meat choice for consumers feeling the inflation pinch. A strong supplier-retailer partnership will provide retailers with a variety of ground beef blends to capture the momentum of summer grilling season, and retailers can showcase these blends in the meat case with recipes and cross-merchandising of burger toppings. After two years of cooking at home, consumers are seeking variety in day-to-day meals, and a strong retailer-supplier partnership will stand out in the meat case.