Lipman Family Farms uses AWETA machine for packing peppers
Lipman Family Farms has invested in a cutting-edge 12-lane AWETA machine for packing peppers in Florida.
The machine expands the vegetable packing capabilities at Lipman’s existing facilities and significantly improves automation efficiencies. It can sort and pack approximately 5,200 cases of peppers per hour and offers various packing capabilities, including DRCs, PLU labeling, and bagging.
It’s part of a series of upgrades and expansions at Lipman.
“The acquisition of Chapman Produce and the implementation of cutting-edge equipment, such as the AWETA machine, allow us to continue to streamline our operations and improve efficiency,” said Toby Purse, the company’s chief operating officer. “These investments allow us to continue to enhance our operations, become more efficient, and deliver the same quality to our retailers and consumers alike.”
This article is an excerpt from the November 2023 issue of Supermarket Perimeter. You can read the entire Peppers feature and more in the digital edition here.