Supermarket Perimeter

Publix announces $300 million distribution center


Publix announced last week that it will build a refrigerated distribution center in Guilford County, North Carolina, by the end of 2022 as part of a multiphase project that will create up to 1,000 jobs by 2025.

The company says it is expected to invest up to $300 million in the first phase of the project. The proposed center will support the delivery of grocery products to Publix locations in the Carolinas and Virginias.

“As a proud community supporter, Publix is excited to create hundreds of new employment opportunities and to help provide for greater economic prosperity in Guilford County,” says Publix CEO and president Todd Jones. “We appreciate the hard work of Governor Cooper and all those involved in making this distribution center possible.”

The company says it will add a variety of job functions with the project, including positions in the administrative and maintenance departments, as well as the refrigerated warehouse. The annual payroll impact is expected to be $44 million if all phases of the project are completed.