Supermarket Perimeter

Instore sushi specialist wins sustainability honor


The CEO of Hana Group North America, a major supplier of grocery instore sushi, has won a top sustainability award.

Josh Onishi is the recipient of the Business Intelligence Group’s Sustainability Hero award, the group’s top honor. Hana Group North America is the parent company of Peace Dining Corp., whose Genji LLC division is the largest instore sushi provider to Whole Foods Market.

The company operates more than 250 instore sushi and Japanese locations in the U.S., and also has a central production kitchen and offers distribution and warehouse services.

“Traceability is our top priority,” Onishi says. “We can track most of our species back to the boat or farm level.”

All of the seafood used in Peace Dining’s products holds a top ranking on either the Seafood Watch advisory list or another certified, third party ecolabel. Peace Dining is also committed to partnering with local vendors for its produce, purchasing sustainable products from responsible vendors.