Supermarket Perimeter

IBA supports ingredients trade pact with EU


The Independent Bakers Association (IBA) supports a trade agreement with the European Union opposed by U.S. sugar interests.

The IBA has submitted comments to the U.S. International Trade Commission expressing support for a prospective trade deal with the EU that would increase access to competitively-priced bakery ingredients.
The commission opened an investigation into economic impacts of a potential agreement in November.  Though the EU has yet to agree to include agricultural commodities in the agreement, most American agricultural representatives expressed interest in the deal.  One exception is the American Sugar Alliance, which testified before the commission this week that a trade agreement would harm their industry. 
In its comment, IBA encouraged the commission to look beyond the interests of the American sugar industry, which is well-protected by a series of rigid domestic subsidies.  IBA urged the commission to consider the benefits a market-based trade agreement would bring to American food manufacturers in the baking industry and beyond, as well as consumers, who bear much of the inflated cost for domestic sugar.