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Eight global trends for the bakery

Why is understanding trends so important to the success of your bakery business? The opportunity exists to better meet consumer needs when you can anticipate shifts in consumer lifestyles and consumption behaviors. Through its extensive consumer research, Dawn Food Products helps inspire innovative ideas. Dawn discovers trends by reviewing data and visiting markets, by understanding data synthesis and trend shaping, and by bringing trends to life. The following are eight global trends to help grow your bakery businesses.
Blissful indulgence
Many are looking for ways to disconnect from the digital world and enjoy a personal moment to indulge — as a way to reduce stress and anxiety. Two-thirds of consumers globally report they are “going to make active attempts to reduce their stress levels.” People are looking to savor a decadent sweet to elevate their mood. There is a new desire, called the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO), in which people plan time disconnect and focus on what they enjoy, such as eating smaller, premium desserts as a reward.
The overall experience of food is becoming more important to many consumers, who seek to make eating a form of entertainment and adventure. More people are sharing food photos or videos; 45% do so on social media platforms weekly. An equal percentage of consumers (50%) say that both trying new products and trying new experiences is most exciting.
My food ID
Whether it’s expressed with pictures, Instagram posts or the food we choose to enjoy with others, people want to be recognized for who they are. Stories told through a signature item, by using specific local ingredients or by highlighting cultural traditions allow consumers to find a true connection to their personal identity. Eighty-eight percent will act to show support when they know about a food company’s alignment with personal values.
Mashup adventure
People are searching for new horizons and enjoy the treasure hunt. Three-quarters of consumers globally agree they enjoy experimenting with products from different cultures/countries. Hybrid flavors are increasing in popularity, such as category fusions (i.e. vegetables and yogurt), mixing taste profiles (i.e. sweet and salty), within-category hybrids (i.e. mayonnaise and ketchup), and flavors in a new format (i.e. maple bacon donut flavored cereal).
Enlightened eating
Health is defined by consumers generally as natural, unprocessed and beneficial to disease management. Different demographics have differing perceptions of health. Millennials associate health with low-meat or even vegan/vegetarian diets; while the baby boomer generation continues to hold onto traditional views of health as low calorie or low sugar. Some are looking for gluten free. Others are looking to add good things like using real fruit and vegetables to deliver flavor.
Transparency 360
People are making more mindful choices that embrace holistic well-being and support overall healthier lifestyles. More than half of consumers are influenced by sustainability in their buying decisions. Millennials want to know that the companies they buy from are committed to doing business ethically and sustainably. They expect companies to be open and transparent about their corporate citizenship efforts, and a majority are willing to pay more for a product if it comes from a socially responsible brand.
Time is precious, and people are constantly exploring ways to save time, looking for efficient experiences that won’t compromise food quality. Online grocery shopping is expected to grow to 70% in less than 10 years. Snacking and grab & go options allow consumers to enjoy food while spending less time preparing.
Just for me
Individualism is a driving force for customization with consumers looking for solutions that specifically meet their needs. Personalized foodservice encourages more involved buying behaviors and boost consumer engagement through targeting specific age, gender or ethnicity. Consider that 73% of consumers want some type of personalization.