Supermarket Perimeter
Verdad Opti Powder N350 from Corbion
Photo: Corbion

Corbion’s new ingredient enhances Listeria protection for fish


AMSTERDAM — New Verdad Opti Powder N350 from Corbion provides an alternative to traditional salt curing.

While salt curing, or dry curing, has been used to preserve fish for millennia, today’s longer and more complex supply chains require better protection from human pathogens such as Listeria, Corbion said.

Verdad Opti Powder N350 uses a patent-pending process to combine the flavor and functionality of salt with the antimicrobial properties of vinegar to deliver both Listeria inhibition and extended shelf life. The product is applied to fish in a manner similar to traditional salting and does not create an additional processing step for manufacturers. Its uniform particle size minimizes dusting during application, prevents irregular distribution and decreases susceptibility to Listeria outgrowth.

The new offering earned the Food Tech Innovation Award at Fi Europe in Paris in December.

“Having a label-friendly way to boost antimicrobial efficacy without the need for processing changes will make it easy for manufacturers to achieve their food safety goals despite the challenges posed by modern value chains,” said Stephan Dobblestein, senior business development manager at Corbion. “That means greater protection for both consumer health and safety, and for our customers’ brand.”