Supermarket Perimeter
Source: Placon

Placon ramps up face shield production


MADISON, WIS. - Food, consumer goods and medical sustainable plastic packaging manufacturer, Placon, is scaling up production of personal protective equipment (PPE) face shields to deliver to healthcare workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

In collaboration with University of Wisconsin professor Tim Osswlad, Placon agreed to donate plastic die-cut sheet to local manufactures making PPE face masks. Since then, production requests to Placon have rapidly increased, resulting in the company gearing up two additional Placon production facilities with the capabilities of producing the product. 

“Our designers, tooling, packaging, and quality engineers acted rapidly to scale up production,” said Dan Mohs, Placon chairman and chief executive officer. “We are currently producing the subcomponent plastic face shield for several companies to assemble into the finished PPE product. We hope that our small part in producing PPE helps our community and country overcome the challenges we face together.”