Tesla designer experiments with taste and texture of the chocolate chip
Remy Labesque is senior industrial designer at Tesla Inc. in Los Angeles, with a focus on solar roofs, vehicle accessories, and charging. However, in recent years, he’s worked on a side project that appeals specifically to the baking world.
Labesque has redesigned the classic chocolate chip to provide a better shape for its function, for more appealing taste and texture. Working with San Francisco’s Dandelion Chocolate, he reengineered the chocolate chip into a pyramid shape with two thick edges and two thin edges. Labesque believes the classic teardrop shape is ill-suited to its function.
“The chip isn’t a designed shape,” he tells Bloomberg. “It’s a product of an industrial manufacturing process.”
The chips not only have a distinctive shape, but serve a greater purpose in baking. They are sturdy enough to hold their shape in baking and not to break when the chip is unmolded.
“They stay whole, but once they’re baked, the center of the chip gets soft,” says Dandelion Chocolate executive pastry chef Lisa Vega.
The chips come in three distinct, 70% single-origin types – Ecuador, Costa Rica and Madagascar – with more styles planned for the future. They cost $30 for a 17.6 oz. bag.