Supermarket Perimeter
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Source: Actual Veggies

Actual Veggies plant-based burgers now at ALDI, other retailers


NEW YORK — Actual Veggies, a new player in the veggie burger space, now has its products on the shelves of retail chains ALDI, Stater Bros., Plum Market, Reasor’s and Jimbo’s.

The rapidly- expanding company, which launched in 2020, is working to change the plant-based food industry by creating meatless alternatives that are not filled with preservatives, oils, and fillers and that “actually taste like their ingredients – veggies!”, according to Actual Veggies.

“Health is more important than ever right now and people want food that isn’t chalked full of additives, oils and preservatives. Actual Veggies is the one veggie burger on the market that consumers can look at and know exactly what ingredients they’re eating and feel good about it,” said Jason Rosenbaum, co-founder of Actual Veggies.

The brand now offers four variations of veggie-only burgers, including The Actual Black Burger, The Actual Green Burger, The Actual Orange Burger and The Actual Purple Burger.