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Beef company CEOs to testify about high prices


WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee chairman David Scott announced chief executive officers of Cargill, Tyson Foods Inc., JBS, and National Beef Packing Co. will all participate in an upcoming hearing on April 27.

“I am pleased to announce that the chief executive officers of each of the four largest meatpackers in the United States have agreed to testify at our upcoming Congressional hearing discussing cattle markets and price increases for consumers,” Scott said. “It is very important, very vital, and very urgent that we hear the perspectives from the CEOs at these companies and get the full picture of why prices have gone up for consumers and down for ranchers.” 

The committee previously said that the hearing would deal with possible anti-competitive behavior in the meat industry.

Seven hearings have been held regarding the meat and poultry markets, including House Agriculture, House Judiciary, Senate Judiciary, and Senate Agriculture Committees.

“In addition to this panel of CEOs, we will be convening a panel of ranchers to hear what consolidation in the beef industry has done to their bottom lines and viability,” Scott said. “We look forward to the variety of perspectives we will receive at this hearing and the clarity it will provide to our ranchers, our consumers, and to our nation’s food security.”