What people are looking for is opportunities to use bacon in different ways. That’s where convenience and flavor come in as ways that inspire consumers to use bacon in new ways.
In addition to the streamlined name, the brand’s refresh includes a new logo and updated packaging that aims to build further awareness and consumer engagement within the competitive meat snack market.
One notable trend the company is tracking closely is the shift towards more affordable cuts and larger tray sizes, particularly among price-conscious consumers.
The global poultry industry is expected to follow its strong growth momentum in 2024 with another year of 2.5% to 3% predicted global market growth in 2025, according to a new forecast from Rabobank.
The annual event, which brings together purchasing executives from food processing and foodservice companies together with ingredient suppliers, will be held June 8-10 at the Loews Kansas City hotel.
Regardless of any civil action Boar’s Head may face for damages, Congress has asked for direct criminal accountability, meaning executives at the company could face incarceration as a result of the recent recall.