The online Listeria control model may aid food manufacturers to identify optimal antimicrobial interventions based on product formulation and other factors, including temperature, the company said.
Online food and beverage retail sales, which includes instore pickup, curbside delivery and at-home delivery, tracked by Euromonitor International, reached $76 billion in 2022, and the market researcher predicts online grocery will be the largest source of growth for food and beverages in the United States in the future.
The insights are designed to strengthen suppliers’ marketing and merchandising efforts and include store and category recommendations, fill rates, voids, as well as deduction and food waste dashboards, according to the company.
RenewALL 100% Upcycled Blend may be a substitute for all of the all-purpose flour in a formulation or all of a conventional alternative gluten-free flour blend, the company said.
Rubi Whisk may provide several benefits for baking applications such as offering fat-binding and oil-holding capacity, high-foaming capacity and stability, high solubility, and emulsification.