The National Retail Federation tracked consumer spending during the 2023 winter holiday season and for the Super Bowl, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and Fourth of July in 2024.
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As the deflation in shrimp, crab and other shellfish — along with consumers’ economic woes — have resulted in lower dollar sales, experts are encouraging retailers to step up discounts, assortment, and promotions.
Scott Heyer, senior product marketing manager of space and assortment at RELEX Solutions, said
that merchandising should be assessed on a week-by-week basis and for some departments, even daily.
Irritation over grocery costs spanned all consumer age groups and income levels in a recent survey — 87% of baby boomers polled voiced frustration, as did 79% of households with over $100,000 in annual income.
In the past, a product could simply be labeled “spicy,” but now consumers are interested in knowing what kind of pepper and spices are used, where the ingredients are grown, what cuisines they are used in, and what the flavor profile is like.