New ownership merges Peter Pan Seafood Company and Northwest Fish Co. 01.14.2021 By Emily Park The new company will be known as New Peter Pan and is a vertically integrated seafood company with deep Alaska roots.Read More
Norwegian Seafood met increased salmon export need in 2020 01.12.2021 By Emily Park Exports of frozen salmon fillets to the US increased 48% by volume and 40% by value for the year. Read More
Demand for seafood soars during pandemic 12.31.2020 By Andy Nelson Retail grocery seafood sales have almost doubled during the pandemic.Read More
Demand for flat fish on the rise 11.25.2020 By Andy Nelson With more and more Americans looking to eat more healthfully demand for fresh flounder and other flat fish is expected to rise.Read More
Mollusks: Taylor Shellfish Farms innovates to meet demand 10.26.2020 By Andy Nelson Taylor Shellfish Farms has made a number of big changes to keep up with surging demand for its oysters, clams and other mollusks.Read More
Top tips for retailers and consumers to increase seafood consumption 09.22.2020 By Seafood From Norway The Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Action Committee recommends that individuals should consume seafood twice per week.Read More
SeaPak rolls out Everything Bagel Butterfly Shrimp 09.18.2020 By Emily Park The seasoning combination on the shrimp will feature sesame seeds, salt, poppy seeds, dried garlic and dried onion. Read More
Seafood From Norway celebrates anniversary 08.24.2020 By Andy Nelson Spring 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the first-ever successfully farmed salmon in Norway.Read More
Nestle enters plant-based tuna market 08.20.2020 By Keith Nunes Initial product launch will take place in Switzerland.Read More
How sustainability translates to the seafood industry 08.14.2020 By Andy Nelson Seafood producers and the organizations that represent them continue to take actions to ensure that the products they deliver to consumers meet the highest standards for sustainability.Read More