Adding value to products sold in grocery perimeter departments is a great way to attract convenience-minded customers and to increase sales and margins — and fresh seafood is no exception to the rule.
DNA barcoding of more than 1400 Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) labelled products has shown that less than 1% were mislabeled, compared with a reported average global seafood mislabeling rate of 30%, according to a new study.
A decade ago, about 70% of all grocery perimeter cases were service and 30% were self-serve, estimates Dan Frigo, regional sales manager for Milwaukee-based Hatco Corp.
One of the biggest trends sustainable seafood specialist Blue Circle Foods is seeing in the retail grocery salmon market is the resurgence of frozen, says David Pilat, the company’s vice president of business development.
The increase in the amount of sustainable seafood sold in the retail grocery perimeter has been significant, but there’s still ample room to grow, industry experts say.